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Customize Theme → Sections → Template → Collage
Collages provide an engaging method to present multiple images or products in a visually appealing layout on a Shopify store. Whether showcasing product collections, highlighting featured items, or creating mood boards, collages can capture attention and encourage exploration. In this section, we'll explore how to effectively utilize collages to enhance the visual presentation of a store and captivate the audience.
The Settings Overview offers a comprehensive examination of all customization options available within the Collage section. From layout options to image placement settings, merchants will discover how to tailor collages to match their brand's aesthetic and promotional needs. Let's delve into the settings and unleash the creative potential of collages on a Shopify store!
Make section full width: Allows the user to use the full width of the screen (small gaps are left at both ends that cannot be absorbed).
Media ratio on desktop: Gives control over the media ratio for the desktop version.
Media ratio on mobile: Gives control over the media ratio for the mobile version.
Color scheme: With that setting, the user can choose the color scheme of the section. For more information on setting up the color schemes, refer to Theme settings → Colors → Schemes.
Heading: Enter a heading for the section.
Caption: Enter a caption for the section.
Heading size: Gives control over the heading font size. One of three possibilities is to be chosen: Small, Medium or Large.
Horizontal content alignment: Gives control over the horizontal positioning of all the content. One of three possibilities is to be chosen: Left, Center or Right.
Image: Gives the user the option to add an image block.
Image: Select an image to be presented in the section.
Product: Gives the user the option to add a product block.
Product: Select a product to be presented in the section.
Collection: Gives the user the option to add a collection block.
Collection: Select a collection to be presented in the section.