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Customize Theme → Sections → Template → Testimonials
Testimonials serve as a powerful tool for building trust, credibility, and social proof for a brand. By showcasing positive feedback and experiences from satisfied customers, merchants can inspire confidence in potential buyers and encourage them to make a purchase. In this section, we'll explore the various settings and customization options available for managing and displaying testimonials on a Shopify store, empowering merchants to harness the persuasive influence of customer feedback to drive conversions and foster customer loyalty.
The Settings Overview provides a comprehensive look at all the customization options available within the 'Testimonials' section, allowing the merchant to effectively manage and showcase customer testimonials on the Shopify store.
Make section full width: Allows the user to use the full width of the screen (small gaps are left at both ends that cannot be absorbed).
Enable arrows: Gives the user the control to change the slides manually via the arrows.
Enable autoplay: It enables or disables the setting for autoplaying the testimonial slides.
Change slides every: Give the user the control to modify the interval in seconds for every slide to stand on the screen. It can vary from 3 to 10 seconds.
Number of columns on desktop: Gives the user the option to choose how many testimonial columns to be presented on the desktop version. It can vary from 1 to 2.
Heading: Enter a heading for the section.
Caption: Enter a caption for the section.
Heading size: Gives control over the heading font size. One of three possibilities is to be chosen: Small, Medium or Large.
Horizontal content alignment: Gives control over the horizontal positioning of all the content. One of three possibilities is to be chosen: Left, Center or Right. Note: This setting would take effect only on the desktop version.
Color scheme: With that setting, the user can choose the color scheme of the section. For more information on setting up the color schemes, refer to Theme settings → Colors → Schemes.
Stars: With that setting, the user can select how many stars out of 5 the testimonial deserves.
Description: Enter a description for the block.
Author: Enter the author of the testimonial.
Addition: A setting that gives the user the option to add additional information.