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Customize Theme → Sections → Template → Logos
Partner logos serve as a valuable asset for showcasing your business's affiliations, collaborations, or endorsements with other brands, organizations, or individuals. Displaying partner logos on your Shopify store can help build credibility, establish trust, and strengthen relationships with your audience. In this section, we'll explore the various settings and customization options available for managing and showcasing partner logos effectively, empowering you to highlight your valued partnerships and affiliations.
The Settings Overview provides a comprehensive look at all the customization options available within the 'Logos' section, allowing the merchant to manage and display your partner logos strategically across your Shopify store.
Make section full width: Allows the user to use the full width of the screen (small gaps are left at both ends that cannot be absorbed).
Color scheme: With that setting, the user can choose the color scheme of the Logos section. For more information on setting up the color schemes, refer to Theme settings → Colors → Schemes.
Heading: Enter a heading for the section.
Caption: Enter a caption for the section.
Heading size: Gives control over the heading font size. One of three possibilities is to be chosen: Small, Medium or Large.
Image: The user can select the logo by uploading an image or SVG file.
Logo SVG Code: Here, the logo SVG code could be directly put in.
Link: Link to the desired web address.